Monday, August 4, 2008

Chemical peel acne scar and natural acne scar treatment

These two acids are organically-derived compounds. AHA contains an active ingredient which can be found in tomato juice, sugar cane and sour milk. BHA on the other hand is salicin-derived, an active ingredient found in aspirin.
The first symptom of Acne Rosacea is redness, almost always on the face (Rosacea rarely attacks other parts of the body, another notable fact). There may follow slight inflammation, pimple-like eruptions and a roughening of the skin. As rosacea progresses, the redness of the skin can become semi-permanent, the superficial blood vessels on the face may dilate, eyes will turn red, pimples and pustules will become more pronounced, and a patient will experience burning and stinging sensations. In extreme cases, a person (mostly men) may develop a red lobulated nose, a condition known as rhinophyma.
• Unregulated hormone secretion - Hormone androgen is released excessively to your body and trigger your sebaceous glands to secrete more sebum/oil to your skin pores so that the dead skin cells can be removed from your skin via the sebum. The excessive sebum will mix together with the dead skin cells and dirt to form a sticky mixture and clog your pores.
tags: smoking marijuana cause acne, acne holes on the face, acne medication salicylic acid

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